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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why do we run from what we are so desperately longing for?

The past couple of days I have noticed a theme, that keeps popping up in books, movies and in everyday life.

The theme is that "God is relentlessly pursuing us in order to show us his love! Our response it to run away from what we are so desperately longing to have." God offers us mercy, grace, love and eternal life with Him. These are the very things most people on this little planet so desperately want in our lives. Instead of accepting this we tend to run from it. Why?

Maybe we are afraid of seeing the reflection of our ugly, deformed, sinful self. We must come face to face with the fact that we are sinners and have no chance to heal ourselves, no matter what we do.

The book Captured by Grace tells the life stories of several famous folks, including C.S. Lewis, John Newton, and Paul the Apostle, and how they compare their lives as running from themselves and a very loving God, only to find out that when they finally run into God and He captures their hearts, that they finally realize that they have been running from what they have been seeking all along.

I watched the movie Finding Nemo with my family on Sunday. I have seen this movie many times before, but I never caught this particular theme. Nemo is amazed that his father has overcome impossible odds to find him. His father tells Nemo, "Don't you realize I would do anything to find you! I love you!" Hasn't our Heavenly Father done the same thing for us. He went through "Death" to pursue an everlasting relationship with us.

We know that God is there. We know He calls out to us daily to join in fellowship with Him. Why do run? What are we scared of? Are we so afraid of facing up to our own sins? Are we afraid that we are so ugly and scarred that God cannot really want a relationship with someone so sinful? I guess we are. Why don't we just quit running and let God capture our heart? When He does he will transform us into such incredible people, we will start running again. This time running with God in pursuit of others who flee the grace of God, that they are so desperately looking for.

1 comment:

Tech Daddy said...

Amen. I often wonder the same thing of myself.