About ME

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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Trying to Stay in the WORD

Once again I am facing the age old dilemma of how to stay active in my personal Bible study and reading. I am having trouble finding interrupted time in the mornings, reading seriously at work is almost impossible, afternoons after work would work on some days but not consistently, and nights...well, I'm really tired.

I used to get up about 15 minutes earlier in the mornings to spend a little prayer time and scripture reading, but I have slacked off on that. I should do that again. My days started better and I felt more connected to God, at least until lunch time. I have tried at night, but my selfishness tells me to catch up on the news/sports and the few television shows I choose to watch.

I need to once again, re-commit specific times to spend alone with my GOD. I need to make a priority. My Mission Statement tells what I really want to do with my life, but it's hard for a selfish person like me to "Just Do It, and Stick To It!"

A new men's Bible class is starting next Wednesday, maybe that will help me stay more focused!

My apologies to God for all of this...You really are the most important factor in my life. I just wish my true will would show more in my actions. Please help me, Father, to commit more time to your Words. Your son, a recovering sinner, ME

1 comment:

Tech Daddy said...

For me, mornings are the only way for consistent quiet times to work. I used to try to do it at night, but after several times of waking up in the early hours of the morning having nodded off, I decided that was not working.

I too am struggling to get up earlier. I'm doing a fairly good job at getting up half an hour before I need to, but that's not good enough, I keep running out of time. Recently I tried to get up an hour and half earlier. I did it for a couple of weeks but something, which I don't recall now, got me off that and so I'm back to the half hour before hand.