About ME

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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's Tough Being a 7th Grader

Yesterday my son came to us (parents), about problems he was having at school. It was the same age old questions, that we had to face when we were in 7th Grade, ohh those many years ago. He wanted to know what to do when, "it seems all the other kids at school are cussing and telling dirty jokes, and he doesn't want to?" He said he, "feels like he needs to cuss in order to keep his friends or to keep from being made fun of." I asked him if he cussed and he said no, but he just doesn't know what to do. He also said kids are always getting into fights and they call people names like, "gay, fag, wussy", and other names.

What do you say? My wife and I gave him the standard answers of just try to ignore the jokes, the cussing and the name calling as much as you can. If you ignored it, they would probably stop doing those things around you, because they know you would ignore it anyway. If the name calling really bothers you, you could always tell a teacher, (we know how that works), and maybe they can help. We told him to talk to his closest friends and tell them how you feel and maybe they will respect your views and not do those behaviors around you. He said they weren't trying to fight him, but I told him if he ever has to defend himself, I would not be made if he got in trouble for fighting; just never start the fight.

We also told him that the best thing to do was just pray for you enemies and you friends. Give your problem to God! Pray that your friends will respect you, and if they don't and you feel it is necessary, be prepared to give up a friend or two. Pray that your enemies will not torment you or try to fight you. Pray that God gives you the strength to do what is right, despite the temptation to give in to pressures, just to avoid persecution.

Later in the day we went to Wednesday Evening classes at our church. I was talking to the Youth Minister about my son's problems. He told me, that my son was so very blessed to at least have a Father to talk to about his problems. Some kids do not have anyone to talk to. They have no one to guide them. He told me, "You will not always have the answers, but you are pointing him to someone who does, that it is Heavenly Father." Then in told me, "You can always tell him to just punch the kid in the stomach really hard, and run away really fast. It's good practice for joining the track team." -- He meant that as a joke!!

It's not easy being a 7th Grader in today's schools, much less a 7th Grader with values and a respect for their God. No answer seems to solve the problems my son faces, but I do know that his mother and both his fathers, me and his God, will be there for him if he needs us. That is what matters the most!

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