About ME

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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My One Thing

As I was doing my Bible study this morning, as song popped into my head. It was a song by the late Christian singer, Rich Mullins, called "My One Thing". The particular verse that stuck out was the verse, "The pure in heart shall see God."

Through out my life I have counted on many things; My parents would never fail me, My marriage would never have major problems, I would always have a good job, I would always have control over my life, and GOD would always love me. As you can guess most of these have let me down in one form or another. My parents divorced (although they are now remarried). My marriage has gone through some major problems, (although we are stronger now than ever), and will probably go through others. I have gone through periods without work and my family has struggled. Through all this I have learned I am not in control of much in my life.

The one constant thing that has stood firm in all the years of my life is this... GOD has always loved me. HIS grace has never left me or my family. When things were at their toughest, GOD was there. When things were at their best, GOD was there. GOD will be there when my kids reach the teenage years and I panic over the dating, and the pressures they will face. GOD is here now, while our car is broken down and as I look for a new career to support my family.

My realization that I have no control over my life, has led me to start a 12 Step Program to help turn my life over to GOD. Along with helping me with specific areas of my life, the program is also helping me to develop a closer relationship with GOD and others. I just have to let GOD have control, and continue to trust in the "One Thing" that has never let me down before; GOD's love and grace.

King David realized the same thing. In all his sins, family problems, and years of warfare, he never lost sight of the one thing that mattered the most to him, "GOD's faithfulness. With all the problems he had, he realized that he could not hold full confidence in anything or anyone except GOD. Because of his faith David wrote this in Psalm 27:13, "I am still confident of this, I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living."

When family, jobs, parents, friends, and life in general let you down, never loose sight of the "One Thing" Rich Mullins sang about, the "One Thing" that David was confident in, and the "One Thing" that will never fail us; GOD loves us, and we will see GOD one day!" This I am sure of.

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