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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Presidents Quiz # 1 of 4

In the wake of the past election and just because I am a History sort of guy, I thought I would challenge my fellow Americans to see how well you know our U.S. Presidents. I will present the quiz in 4 parts (11 presidents each)!

Below is a series of statements about the Presidents. On a piece of paper write down which President you think the statement is referring to. I will give you the answers in the comment section. If you don’t know the names of all of the Presidents, shame on you (just kidding) look them up somewhere; however, try not to cheat and read about them until after you take the quiz. (Hint: Grover Cleveland is only listed once in my quiz even though he was elected twice.)

Good luck!

1. Known as the “Father of the U.S. Constitution”, he was the shortest president and President of the United States when the British burned down the White House during the War of 1812!

2. Promising to fulfill America’s “Manifest Destiny,” this president served during the Mexican-American War, which resulted in the United States gaining control of California and much of the western United States. After threatening to go to war with Great Britain, he also gained control of much of the Oregon Territory.

3. He was president during the early years of Reconstruction, after the Civil War. He was the first president to be impeached. The 13th Amendment, which officially abolished slavery in the United States, was passed and Alaska was purchased from Russia while he was president.

4. He was the youngest person to ever assume the office of President of the United States. A hero of the Spanish-American War, he was the leader of the Rough Riders. He was known for his “Square Deal” and for being a “Trust Buster.” He won the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the end of the Russo-Japanese War. He also authorized the building of the Panama Canal.

5. He was president when the Stock Market crashed in 1829, which started the Great Depression. He has a famous dam named after him on the Colorado River.

6. While President he negotiated a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. He also saw American’s taken hostage in Iran, and the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan. He later became a leader for Habitat for Humanity after leaving the Presidency.

7. Shortly after he became President, a group of terrorist attacked the United States, which resulted in the death of thousands of Americans in New York, when the World Trade Center towers were destroyed, and in Washington, D.C, when the Pentagon was attacked as well. Congress authorized him to use the U.S. Military to fight terrorism in Afghanistan and to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq in attempt to create democratic governments. During the last year of his presidency, economic problems resulted in Congress passing legislation to “bail-out” failing companies and financial institutions to try and boost the economy.

8. Although he was the youngest president ever elected, he prevented the Soviet Union from establishing missile bases in Cuba during the “Cuban Missile Crisis.” He also supported a failed attempt by Cuban Nationalist to overthrow the Communist government of Cuba during the “Bay of Pigs Invasion.” He was the first Roman Catholic president and saw the building of the Berlin Wall in Germany and the start of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. He was assassinated in Dallas, TX.

9. He was the only sitting member of the House of Representatives to be elected president. He was ambidextrous, able to write in two languages at once with both hands at the same time. He was shot shortly after becoming president and died 3 months after taking office.

10. He was the first “natural born” citizen of the U.S. to become president. The Economic Panic of 1837 defined his Presidency and he failed to win a second term in office.

11. He was Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and the first President of the United States. He helped create the U.S. Constitution and created the Judicial System of the U.S. He was the only President not to live in the White House. He is commonly known as the “Father of our Country.”

1 comment:

Mr. E said...

Answers to Presidents Quiz # 1 of 4

1. James Madison
2. James Knox Polk
3. Andrew Johnson
4. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
5. Herbert Clark Hoover
6. James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr.
7. George Walker Bush
8. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
9. James Abram Garfield
10. Martin Van Buren
11. George Washington