About ME

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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Two Thought Provoking Links

Recently I have been introduced to two seperate and very thought provoking links.

The first is called...The Truth Project, which is presented by Focus on the Family. The Truth Project is a Christian based curriculum designed to counter the "lies" told to us by the world and refocus the Believer's faith on "the voice of truth" as presented by God in the Bible. This curriculum is taught to small groups which can be organized in a community near you. Ladybug (my new blog term for my wife) and I are thinking about taking one of these classes.

The second is a link to an upcoming documentary(?) film by Ben Stein, called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. This movie was created to openly challenge the Theory of Evolution and Darwinism as scientific theories. After watching the trailer, I am very interested in watching the movie. Speaking from personal experiences, I can say that some Science teachers in the public schools and on the college levels are not allowed to present "Intelligent Design" as a plausable theory of the creation of the universe and man. This is mainly due to possible law suits by radical atheistic or agnostic families who seem to think this would be forcing religion down the throats of their children. They don't seem to care that Darwinism & Evolution have no "smoking gun" proofs to back up their claims as well. To watch a short trailer about the movie click on the above link or link to All Rolled Into One (Ladybug's blog) to watch the trailer and read her take on the movie. For a synopsis of the movie from The Internet Movie Database (IMDB), (click here)

Watch the links and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Hey, I'm back. If you get this, then you know my ability to leave comments is intact.

I am very much looking forward to Expelled. Should be a refreshing departure from what we're used to seeing media present on the subject!