About ME

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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Becoming a Better Man

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of loving your wife and building a stronger marriage. Today I am writing about becoming a better man and a parent. If a man can improve his relationship with God our Father, then most of our other relationships, such as husband and father will naturally improve. Over the years I have tried to keep my eyes focused on Jesus. It is a difficult task with the world telling me over and over again their version of what a "real man" is. If I listen to the voice of truth, however, I can find out what a true man of God really is. This truth is found in the Bible. There are many books and organizations centered around the premise of creating Godly men. One of which is Promise Keepers! (click to link to their web-site)This organization focuses on building men of integrity. They dramatically changed my life about 10 years ago into re-dedicating my life to God and becoming a man of integrity in Christ.

Other books that have helped me, other than the Bible are: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, Tender Warrior by Stu Weber, A Man After God's Own Heart by Jim George, 12 Steps to a Closer Walk With God by Don Umphrey, When Counting to 10 Isn't Enough by Kathy Collard Miller, Active Spirituality by Charles R. Swindoll, The Meaning of a Man by Ronnie W. Floyd, When Men Think Private Thoughts by Gordan MacDonald, Point Man by Steve Farrar, 21 Days Building Healthy Habits for Men by Dr. Criswell Freeman, The Measure of a Man by Gene A. Getz and Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. You could also pick up a copy of Align: A Nelson Biblezine, which is a the New Testament in magazine form, published by Nelson Bibles especially for men. This "Biblezine" has stories and devotionals built into the New Testament just like you would read a magazine. They are designed to help a man focus on his relationship with God and others.

I am working hard to improve my relationship with God, my wife, and my children. God tells men we are the spiritual leaders of our homes. Because of this responsibility we are to be judged according to this. I am taking this responsibility seriously. We are to be examples to our wives and our children. We are to raise our children to become servants of Jesus and of God our LORD. I pray daily that God helps me to be a man of God and not conform to the sad and selfish images of man as portrayed by the world in television and movies.

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