About ME

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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Going to Get the Kids

This afternoon after work, Jamie and I are heading back to Abilene, sans the kitty! (My Dad will watch Scout and Schnitzel for us while we are gone.) We are going to pick up the kids from ACU Leadership Camps. They have been at camp since Sunday and the camp ends Friday morning. Jamie and I are going to stay at a hotel tonight and start the drive back tomorrow with the kids.

I have missed Caleb and Rachel. I know that are having fun, but I also know that they miss us as well. I am very sure at least Rachel misses Schintzel and Scout.

Scout is starting to eat some solid foods, but only if you shove it into his mouth and hold it there. It seems he is having trouble, or choosing not to, licking up the water or grabbing food. He still wants to suckle everything. Instead of drinking water or formula out of a dish he will suck or bite the edges of the dish to try and suck the liquids up. I also have to put the harder foods into his mouth and hold it there until he sucks it down. At least he is eating something other than just formula.

Just to let you know, the recruiter position I applied for has been filled. I didn't even get a chance to interview for the position.


Big Doofus (Roger) said...

Sorry about the job. Hang in there.

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

Our worship band prayed for you last night regarding the job situation.