About ME

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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another Crazy Indian Joins the Race for Big Chief

Just when you thought the number of Indians running for Big Chief was dwindling, along comes another Indian. Today, Ralph Nader announced he is running for President as an Independent candidate. Even though I seriously doubt he will pull off a winning campaign, it was his influence in the past two elections, the Democrats blame for taking just enough votes away from them, that the Republicans won the White House. Will Nader do it again? To visit Mr. Nader's official campaign web-site click here.

To update you once again on the current candidates...

Still running for the Democrat nomination: Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama (OK, Mike Gravel supporters...technically Mr. Gravel has not officially dropped out, he has not won any delegates and has absolutely no chance at winning the nomination.)

Still running for the Republican nomination: John McCain & Mike Huckabee (OK, Ron Paul supporters...I know Rep. Paul has not officially dropped out either. I also know you guys are crazy about your candidate, but he has been mathematically eliminated from the race.)

Click on the names of the candidates to learn more about them and how they "currently" stand on some of the major issues.

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