About ME

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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Stinkin" Bored at Work

Today has been a very boring day at work. It started off just dandy; I was teaching Math (Volume and Area of Irregular Shaped Objects to be specific), when suddenly The Stench hit! It stopped class entirely and ruined a perfectly good work day. The stench was the smell of hot tar and other chemicals that are being used to repair the roof of the building I work in. The smell is apparently sinking down though our air conditioning vents. Pee-Eww! It is awful. Not only does it stink, it was making some of my students and me a little sick. Our eyes were watering, we had to go outside often to try and get some fresh air, and our stomachs were upset. I am still a little ill as of now.

All of the students have gone home now, my co-teacher is off today at the doctor, my supervisor is out of town on a conference, so here I sit with not much to do. I have caught up on all my work load and am even ahead on few things. As you can tell I have been spending some of my free time blogging. I have spent some spare time looking up a bunch of useless trivia about the next few movies coming to my home from Netflix. Being a person who suffers from OCD, I have also started a "list" in my head about stuff that needs to be done, when I get home or this weekend.

Provided I feel better from the upset stomach, nausea, and headache given to me by the Stink, I do plan on going to church tonight. My Wednesday night class has been looking at verses in the Old Testament that indicate Jesus was actually appearing in human form in the OT itself. Cool Huh! These appearances are called, "theophanies."

If your looking for a good book to read...read John Grisham's "The Innocent Man." Not only is the book a good crime novel. It's just so happens to be true. (That was random!)

I guess I'd better get back to work. I'm sure if I look/try hard enough I could find "something" useful to do. Maybe I could practice some grammar? Then maybe my blog would get above a High School reading level. I guess I could make a few copies I will need for Friday, but that's no fun, when I can do it tomorrow. I just hope the Stink is gone.

One more random thought before I go! When I published my posts, it looks like it says Published by Mr. Eat @ whatever time. I never noticed this until Big Doofus pointed it out to me. Maybe I should change the name of my blog to Thoughts from Mr. Eat!?

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