About ME

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Grand Prairie, Texas, United States
Mr. E is a Christian, Husband, Father of 2, former Army Officer and Texas Rangers Baseball fan.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We're Not Gonna' Take It!

Ok, so the title is another hokey attempt at paying homage to an 80's song, this one by Twisted Sister, but it does fit the topic.

Have you ever considered the meaning of the phrase "to take offense?" To take means to willingly accept something. If we "take offense" at something, we are willingly taking upon ourselves hurts/pain we feel somebody intended to inflict on us. We are taking offense at their actions. We are letting their actions towards us hurt us and cause us pain. We don't have to take it. It is a choice. We are free to refuse to be hurt by spiteful remarks or malicious actions toward us. The entire matter of unnecessary grief truly rest with us. The choice of accepting or rejecting an offense is ours alone.

You don't have to permit yourself to be hurt by what anyone says or does. This choice can bring about an amazing change in your life and your attitude. It may not be easy, but If you feel hurt by someone, silently refuse to take offense or take any actions of retaliation. Do not take offense. In other words, "We're not gonna' take it, anymore!"

"What can words do to me unless I take them to heart?" -- unknown

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